"Suggestions for Sea Salt, Supplements, Herbs

There are some very black-and-white opinions on sea salt, supplements, and herbs. The following sections attempt to find the middle ground and explore these options so you have a basic understanding of how they can enhance your diet.

The benefits of sea salt

Salt is essential for life — you can’t live without it. Unfortunately, most of us don’t realize the dramatic difference for what passes as “regular salt” (the standard refined variety) and salt that has been sun-dried (solar evaporated) directly from the ocean — not mined from the earth.
The difference is dramatic. (See the “Why sea salt and not table salt” section for more on this.)

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services New Dietary Guidelines, sodium
intake is recommended to be below 2,300 grams daily, roughly 1 teaspoon.
One study cites Americans as consuming five to ten times as much sodium as they require — approximately 3 to 3.5 teaspoons daily!”
“If you’re average, you need less than 1.5 grams of sodium each day to kee your system working well. This comes out to approximately 1//2 to 2//3 of a teaspoon daily. Culinary traditions teach that when salt is added during the cooking process, the salt in the food helps the body better absorb the food’s nutrients.

Healthy sources of sea salt include

Sea salt: Yes, you can buy sea salt right in your grocery store.

Naturally fermented soy sauce

Miso soybean paste

Naturally fermented sauerkraut

Why sea salt and not table salt?

The table salt that passes for salt today is worthless. Stop buying it. It’s mass produced, refined, heated to 1,200 degrees (thereby altering the natural chemical structure of the salt), and then flash-cooled.
Table salt is 99.5 percent sodium chloride and 0.5 percent chemicals, such as moisture absorbents, sugar, and iodine.

Commercial salt producers add the following to “improve” salt:

Potassium iodine: This chemical is added due to fear of goiter, because iodine is critical for forming thyroid hormones.

Dextrose: Because the iodine is volatile and oxidizes in the presence of light, simple sugar is added to stablize the iodine.

Sodium bicarbonate: The combination assuring that the larger salt crystals will still have their valuable trace minerals (such as silicon, copper, calcuim, and nickel) intact. Solar-evaporated sea salt typically contains at least 84 buffering elements that help to protect our bodies from the harsh effects of pure sodium chloride.

These days, the need for putting iodine in our salt supply is questionable. For most people living in developed countries, even those living a good distance from the sea, developing goiter isn’t as common as it used to be. The rationale for iodizing salt is that, because iodine levels vary in most foods, the addition of iodine offers a margin of safety. If iodine is a concern, the addition of fish or sea vegetables, combined with a varied whole food diet, should offer sufficient iodine. Some foods that contain excessive levels of the minerals manganese and cobalt can interfere with thyroid function, causing a greater release of iodine.

Signs that you need salt rehab

Are you getting too much salt in your diet? Or are you not getting enough of the right kind of salt? Watch for these symptoms:

Salt = thirst. We’ve all experienced this. It’s the best neutral medium for dilution. If you’re thirsty all the time, consider making a major cut in your salt.
Irritability: The constricting effect of salt and its effect on your nervous system, possibly due to
lowered blood sugar, stand as a possible indicator of excess.

“Dark eyes:” Oriental folk medicine suggests darkened eye orbits, particularly in the area below the eye, as well as the inner corner of that area toward the nose, reveals weak adrenal glands. Among the many different stimulants (sugar, caffeine, and the like) and lifestyle habits (staying up late, chronic exhaustion) responsible for this darkened coloring, salt can be another factor.

Overeating: Excessive salt can increase your cravings for sweet food or for overeating, presumably because you may be trying to avoid sweet food and compensating by eating more volume —“stuffing” yourself, as it were.
Often, reducing salt and salt products has quickly shown clients that their cravings for food volume may be based simply on eating too much salt.

Facial or ankle swelling: For some individuals, the swelling of ankles and hands or puffiness around the eyes shows a tendency toward kidney exhaustion and a need for better quality and reduced salt.

Sweet food cravings: A union made in food heaven: salt and sugar! The more salt you consume,
the greater your desire will be for some type of refined or simple sugar. Conversely, the more sugar you consume, the more salt you’ll crave. This seesaw of salt and sugar is the basis of fast-food menus:
Have a burger (protein) and fries (fat), and then finish it off with a
milkshake or apple pie (simple carbohydrate).

Need a drink? Alcohol is a concentrated source of fermented sugar, so its effects are more exaggerated. Often a smart bar owner will offer free salted snacks (nuts, chips, popcorn) to patrons. The more of these snacks patrons consume, the more likely they’ll order more drinks.”

Excerpt From: . “Macrobiotics For Dummies. Chapter 5 Macro Boot Camp: Nutrition in a Nutshell” by Verne Varona

The best sea salt is probably the most hotly debated food/seasoning topic in macrobiotics!

Many to most gourmet chefs cook their meats with kosher salt, use table salt or sea salt for cooking many of their foods while their patrons have a sea salt shaker sitting on their table!

Most nutritionists see no difference between table salt and sea salt while many long time macros have their favorite salts/sea salts!

There might not be any true  culinary/health differences between sea salts but try telling that to true believers!

Of the hundreds of salts available around the world from seacoasts to salt mines, here are some of the salts that most macros favor:

Jade Sands Chinese Sea Salt

"Traditionally harvested from the Pacific Ocean by the ancient solar evaporation method at the oldest salt works in China, the way it has been done for thousands of years. The well-rounded flavor and moisture content ensure that it’s rich in trace minerals. Ground by hammer mill.
Macrobiotic, Vegan, Kosher, Gluten-Free

Through long centuries of scientific observation and study, the ancient Chinese developed a sophisticated understanding of sea salt, as food and medicine. They also developed advanced technologies for extracting and compounding sea salt, adjusting the mineral composition to match their formulations, using natural methods. Naboru Muramoto, the renowned teacher of Macrobiotics and Traditional Chinese Medicine, studied the Chinese sea salt methodology and emulated it with his own "Balanced Minerals" sea salt. For many years I promoted Muramoto's sea salt and the wonderful miso and umeboshi he made with it, and used them in my own kitchen. Imagine my amazement and delight when, decades later, I was introduced to this very special sea salt in China.
Country of Origin - China

Ingredients: Sea Salt
Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size 100g
Sodium Chloride 94.65
Magnesium Sulfate 2.5
Magnesium Chloride 2.0
Potassium Chloride 0.25
Calcium Sulfate 0.25
Potassium Sulfate 0.20
Clacium Chloride 0.15
No other nutritional value.
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet."


Celtic Sea Salt

"Celtic Sea Salt Brand is whole salt harvested by hand, and dried in the sun and wind. With no additives, Celtic Sea Salt Brand enhances the taste of any dish while providing a pure and natural balance of minerals and trace elements straight from the ocean. Celtic Sea Salt Brand is certified at the source by Europe's Nature et Progres to be free from pesticides, herbicides and harmful chemicals. Contains no anti-caking or bleaching agents, or other additives.
Unlike ordinary table salts, Fine Ground Celtic Sea Salt also provides potassium, magnesium, and other important nutrients.
Macrobiotic, Vegan, Raw, Kosher, Gluten-Free

Country of Origin - France
Ingredients: Celtic Sea Salt
Nutrition Facts:
Chloride 51%
Sodium 32%
Sulfur 1.12%
Zinc 0.87%
Magnesium 0.50%
Iron 0.38%
Potassium 0.25%
Manganese 0.26%
Copper 0.18%
Nitrogen 0.16%
Calcium 0.12%
Silicon 0.11%"


Spirit of the Seas High Mineral Sea Salt

"Lima Ohsawa, founder of macrobiotics, called this salt "crystallized whole seawater, a nutritious, natural salt that is not only for seasoning but also for nourishing our lives."
Macrobiotic, Vegan, Gluten-Free

Country of Origin - Japan
Ingredients: Sea Salt
Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size 1.5g
Servings per container 94
Sodium 540mg (22%)
No other nutritional value.
Percent Daily Values based on a 2,000 calorie diet."




 SI  Sea Salt

"Made with only the sun, wind and sea in the clean water of Southern Baja California, 500 miles from any pollution center. These natural salt crystals contain precious trace minerals for balanced nutrition. Stone ground for purity, and ground finely for easier use.
Macrobiotic, Vegan, Raw, Gluten-Free

Country of Origin - Mexico
Ingredients: Sea Salt
Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size 1 tsp. (5.5g)
Calories 0 
Calories from Fat 0 
Total Fat 0g (0%)
Saturated Fat 0g (0%)
Cholesterol 0mg (0%)
Sodium 2132mg (40%)
Total Carbohydrate 0g (0%)
Dietary Fiber 0g (0%)
Sugars 0g 
Protein 0g
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 0.14%
Iron 0%
*Percent Daily Values are basted on a 2,000 calorie diet."



Himalayan Salt

"The Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan crystal salt is far superior to traditional iodized salt. Himalayan salt is millions of years old and pure, untouched by many of the toxins and pollutants that pervade other forms of ocean salt.
Known in the Himalayas as “white gold,” Himalayan Crystal Salt contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found in the human body. This form of salt has also been maturing over the past 250 million years under intense tectonic pressure, creating an environment of zero exposure to toxins and impurities.

Himalayan salt’s unique cellular structure allows it to store vibrational energy. Its minerals exist in a colloidal form, meaning that they are tiny enough for our cells to easily absorb.
Himalayan Crystal Salt: The Health Benefits

The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt may include:
* Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning
* Promoting stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain.
* Encouraging excellent blood sugar health
* Aiding in reducing the common signs of aging
* Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy creation
* Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract
* Aiding vascular health
* Supporting healthy respiratory function
* Lowering incidence of sinus problems, and promoting over-all sinus health
* Reducing cramps
* Increasing bone strength
* Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns
* Creating a healthy libido
* Circulator support
* Promotes kidney and gall bladder health when compared to common chemically-treated salt

Table salt: “The Health Destroyer”
Many people are unaware that common table salt contains chemicals and even sugar! Salt is necessary but can be dangerous if taken in this chemical form.
Table salt is composed of 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals like iodine and absorbents, and sugar. Common salt is dried at more than 1,200° Fahrenheit, a process which zaps many of the natural chemical structures.
The table and cooking salt found in most homes, restaurants, and processed foods is void of nutritional value, lacking beneficial trace minerals. Processing salt turns it into sodium chloride, an unnatural salt the human body actually sees as a toxic invader! The body cannot dispose of it in a natural, healthy way which can lead to irritation of the tissues, water retention, and high blood pressure.

Processed salt crystals are also energetically dead, as their crystals are completely isolated from one another. For the body to metabolize chemical table salt, it must waste tremendous amounts of energy to keep the body at optimum fluid balance. This creates a burden on the elimination systems in the body. Water is removed from other cells in attempt to neutralize the unnatural sodium chloride.

Studies show that for each gram of table salt your system cannot process, your body will use over twenty times the amount of cellular water to neutralize the sodium chloride in chemically-treated salt. This can lead to cellulite, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, as well as kidney and gallbladder stones. The average American consumes 5,000 mg of sodium chloride a day, the issue is serious and needs to be addressed.
Choosing to use Himalayan salt as an alternative can have a big impact on your total health and well-being.

†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Global Healing Center does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Global Healing Center are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician."



Bonin (Ogasawara Natural) Sea Salt

"Pure and natural : sea salt par excellence
A thousand-year-old protected environment
In Japan there's a magnificent, surprising and precious place: the Ogasawara islands. One thousand kilometres from Tokyo and the closest continent, they are free from pollution and live according to the laws of nature that surround them. It is from this region of exceptional and pure beauty that Ogasawara natural sea salt comes...
A unique wealth
Ogasawara natural sea salt owes its unique character to the deep sea water that produces it. This water, coming from the melted ice of Greenland, has been slowly circulating at the bottom of the sea for more than two thousand years. It has never been in contact with the atmosphere and its very low temperature as well as the absence of sunlight prevents plankton from developing. Off Ogasawara, the current rises to mix with the surface water. The combination of these two exceptional waters – one very pure, the other mineral rich – produce the rare Ogasawara natural sea salt.
Ancestral crafting and pure crystals 
Each one of the Ogasawara salt crystals contains a brine of extreme purity. Patience and know-how guide each phase of the traditional production process. The formed salt crystals are only collected once the last drop of brine has been absorbed. At this moment the salt is brilliant white and not brown like in all other salt production areas. Pure by nature, the ingredients of Ogasawara sea salt is exactly the same as those of natural sea water. It is therefore especially rich in minerals."



Izu Oshima sea salt

"Contamination-free sea salt made by drying at low temperature, in the emerald green sea water in the coral reef at Ishigaki-Island, in Okinawa, consists of very fine particles and is very good for cooking in general. The sea salt made by pumping sea water at Izu Oshima, concentrating it in the sun at sloping salt terrace and boiling it in pot, has a sweet flavor after the salty taste, is suitable for dishes to make something of salty flavor, such as salt broiling and pickles."


Masu Sea Salt

"Masu Sea Salt starts as coral sea water pumped from a depth of 60 feet, double-filtered, "steam-misted" then slowly-dried at low temperature for a minimum of 3 days. Using an innovative, environmentally friendly, patented, low temperature misting process, Masu salt is born as the first crystallization directly from the coral sea water itself. It contains over four dozen trace minerals including an unusually high level of organic calcium. This unique low-temperature patented process allows the trace mineral balance found in the living sea water to be mirrored in the salt.

No other salt on earth can claim this organic balanced mineral profile. Recent scientific research has shown that naturally occuring trace minerals are more easily assimilated by the body. Masu 100% sea water salt may represent a major breakthrough for human nutrition. Masu sea salt is not a harsh crystallized bed salt.

Salt crystals harvested from salt beds may contain unwanted substances such as dirt and limestone, and reflect a compromised mineral balance caused by leeching and over exposure to sunlight. Since Masu Salt is created directly from sea water, its nature is more like a soft salt "flake" which is very gentle on the body. Enjoy this unique, nutritious sea salt for your health and well being. This amazing salt truly redefines the term "fit for human consumption."



Portuguese Algarve Sea Salt

"Clean Atlantic water and careful manual harvesting, favoured by the absence of industrial emissions and the dry and windy Algarvian summers, are the key elements to producing premium sea salt. Depending on the weather patterns during the harvesting season, production may vary."



“…To Obtain the Best Sea Salt

When sea water is sun-dried over clay beds (as is still done in
parts of Europe), or cooked by low fire to a concentrate, dirt will
float to the surface of the water. This is mainly protein, probably
from dead sea organisms, and should be removed. Then, the water
becomes about 10 percent salt brine. The white clay-like material
which sinks to the bottom is lime, mainly calcium, and also is not
necessary; it is removed too. The salt concentration then reaches
more than 26 percent and the salt begins to crystallize on the
surface of the water; this is good salt. But since it is made outdoors
on a salt bed, some sand and dust come in, so once more these are
removed. Still, trace amounts of minerals remain attached to the
salt crystals, and this is the best salt.
Today in this country, some health food stores carry different
kinds of natural sea salt, most of it imported from foreign countries
such as Mexico, England, France, Spain, Israel, the Philippines
and others. The price ranges from three to ten dollars per pound -
many times the grocery store price. But, compared to the price of
gold, this is almost nothing. For those who buy high quality salt,
their health seems more important than any amount of money, and
this is right. Unfortunately, the quality varies. Some looks good
and others does not. Grey salt is too dirty and some salts are
completely dry. As long as good quality salt is unavailable for
millions of people, I cannot recommend salt in the prevention of
AIDS and other diseases. I hope the government will change the
law as soon as possible. All I can say for now is, for a while, use
regular commercial salt if you must. This is inevitable…”

Natural Immunity: Insights on Diet And AIDS
by Noboru Muramoto (page 136)

Gold Sea Salt

“…GOLD SEA SALT was the favorite salt of the ancient Romans and Greek philosophers, and was so valuable it was used as money, thus the word, “salary.” This salt empowered these philosophers to inspire and create western civilization. U.S. Government studies show that most Americans are mineral deficient due to poor quality soil, as well as their consumption of mineral depleting foods and beverages. According to Hisatake Nojima, M.D., this deficiency of minerals is a major cause of modern physical, mental, and emotional diseases. GOLD SEA SALT can supply your body and brain with many essential minerals and trace elements, as well as electrolytes.
According to Chinese Medicine, good sea salt strengthens the kidneys, adrenal glands, and bones, while improving brain function, virility, fertility, self-confidence, courage, and stamina. Throughout history, salt has been considered a priceless seasoning and medicie for well-being. David Brownstein, M.D., in his book, Salt Your Way to Health, states. “Without salt, life itself would not be possible. Salt is as important to life as oxygen and water. All living things utilize salt as an essential ingredient for life.” Truly, GOLD SEA SALT IS good medicine!
Historically, salt has been revered and treasured as a vital health essential. The Bible refers to salt in many ancient passages, including, “Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.” Mark 9:49 -50. Jewish, Hindu, and Islam religions refer to the benefits of the unrefined salt used in ancient times. “You are the Salt of the Earth,” has traditionally meant praise for a person’s inner strength in spirit and body.
GOLD SEA SALT comes from the costal salt fields (salinas), on the volcanic island of Sicily, Italy, which still has active volcanos. This valuable salt is sun-dried and charged with electro-magnetic energy of the sun. With the majority of Americans deficient in minerals and trace elements, GOLD SEA SALT is an excellent addition to a conscientiously balanced daily diet. Today, unrefined salt is recognized as a healthy and even essential addition to our foods. GOLD SEA SALT contains 92 minerals and trace elements, including gold, compared to commercial, refined salt which typically only contains two or three minerals, as well as other additives. GOLD SEA SALT is one of the highest quality unrefined salt available because it alkalizes, energizes, improves your digestion and the taste of all food and beverages. Use GOLD SEA SALT, you will taste and feel the difference. It is one of the best investments in your health that you can make!…”

I first saw Lino Stanchich debate sea salt (Muramoto Sea Salt vs. Celtic Sea Salt) with Jacques de Langre at French Meadows Summer Camp (near Lake Tahoe, California in 1982


The following information is from Sea Salt’s Hidden Powers by Jacques de Langre
“…The Attributes of True Salt
Salt is such an important part of our food that very close scrutiny, attention and sensitivity must be given to the process used to produce it so that the end product accurately fills our biological requirements. Most modem consumers are familiar only with the refined or boiled white, vacuum-evaporated product. To determine that a salt is a truly whole product of natural crystallization of the ocean, these guideposts will help. Only natural sea salt will have the following characteristics:
1. 1. It is light gray in color and, on standing,
     the color darkens slightly at the base of the container.
2. It is moist to the touch and retains its
     moisture even when kept in cool storage for long periods.
3. It is formed of very small, precisely cubic crystals.

Each of these three signs proclaims the natural sea salt's integrity and wholeness but also guarantees its effectiveness as an outstanding food/condiment/medicine combination that builds, maintains or restores optimum health.

The Importance of the Gray Color
Some of the minerals present in true natural sea salt are responsible for the salt's light gray coloring and attest to its power to support all biological functions. Natural products reveal their richness in minerals by their color. It is true of whole-wheat flour and natural unrefined sugar. By its total lack of color, white refined salt reveals its mineral deficiency and biological ineffectiveness.

Salt Moisture as a Vital Sign
The oceans are the lifeblood of the planet. All of the salt's essential trace and macro-elements stay within the crystal only as long as the moisture of that salt is retained. Applying any artificial heat will destroy the riches of the ocean while removing that moisture. If flash crystallized, kiln dried or boiled, the salt loses all. This water-retaining part of sea salt, centered around the magnesium salts that are highly water retentive, is called the mother liquor or bitterns. In the ancient traditional sacred medicine of the Celts, it is used to treat major physical and mental disturbances, severe burns, and other ailments. Today's biologists attest that the mother liquor restores hydro-electrolytic imbalance, a disorder that causes the loss of immune response, creates allergies, and causes many health problems. The therapeutic effect of mother liquor is recognized and used by the European medical profession, and is still in use today. Moisture assists the transfer of the energy of the great oceans themselves; if the oceans are the lifeblood of our planet, then natural sea salt creates the lifeblood of our organism.
The moisture always present in Celtic natural salt settles at the bottom of the container or bag, leaving the top part almost dry to the touch. Thus it is always advisable to mix the contents of the salt bag before its use. Natural sea salt is best dispensed from a salt cellar or a salt box; it readily dissolves in the moisture of the food and is usually added near the end of the cooking. To sprinkle dry on food from a shaker makes the salt slightly harder to assimilate. In this latter form, it also enters the system in a non-ionized form, thus it can create thirst and lessen some of its advantages…”



Real Salt

“Honest Sources, Down to the Last Grain: Ancient Salt That Never Lost Its Savor
Where can a devotion to finding pure, honest food sources take you? For One Degree, it took us 5000 feet underground and far back in time.
That’s the source of the purest salt we’ve ever found -- or ever tasted. Within a labyrinth of alabaster tunnels deep within the earth, the Real Salt company of Redmond, Utah mines salt that has lain pristinely in nature’s own geological salt shaker for centuries. It is salt Native Americans knew about hundreds of years ago, and that health-aware Americans are now rediscovering.
The vast deposit is the surviving remnant of an ancient sea. As the earth heated, cooled and convulsed, volcanic ash sealed this site, protecting it from the type of chemicals and contamination that are sometimes present in other brands marketed as sea salt.

What this ancient salt has -- all of the trace minerals nature intended -- is just as important as what it doesn’t have -- the runoff, the radiation, the pollution and man-made compounds. The balance of natural sodium with elements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus is in sync with the body’s own chemistry, eliminating some of the problems sometimes associated with heavy salt intake.
We like to emphasize that at One Degree, every ingredient has a story. And when we say that, we usually mean grains. Our veganic millet, kamut, red wheat and lentils love the spotlight, and deserve it. But our grains of salt have a great story to tell, too.
The tale of these salty grains of truth begins in the 19th century, when the Bosshardt family, immigrants from the Swiss-German border region, settled in Utah and ultimately began farming. Amid a drought in the late 1950s, the Bosshardts turned to the salt deposit under their land, clearing corn to make way for a new, solid foundation for the family’s financial security.
The salt deposit was no secret. Neighboring farmers knew about salt in the area, and Native Americans had discovered it long ago. Archeological digs have found evidence some tribes carried salt from this deposit with them as far as Colorado.
The Bosshardts were the first to make the salt deposit a way of life. To this day, nearly two dozen members of the family work in the company. And they treat the business as much more than a profit-making enterprise. “Stewardship” is a word heard often. According to Darryl Bosshardt, grandson of one of the company founders, RealSalt’s belief has always been: “These minerals that were there under the farm can be used to bless lives.”
The good fortune of the company has blessed many lives among employees and in the community; and, increasingly, it is providing the blessings of vitality to health-conscious consumers.
RealSalt is loved by purists, but a much wider audience has begun to appreciate the difference between this ancient seasoning and the alternatives. In many commercial salts, most trace minerals have been extracted. Salt companies learned long ago that they could make a profit by selling the various chemical elements separately. That adds to the company’s financial health, but hurts the individual’s health by depriving the body of key components of natural salt.
The body requires some of these minerals to digest sodium properly, explains Bosshardt. By way of analogy, it’s like the difference between eating a carrot or taking a vitamin A tablet. Nature’s version -- the carrot -- is undoubtedly better for your health. Plus, “You really have a tough time overdosing on carrots,” he jokes.
Most salt alternatives also use heat processing and add so-called “anti-caking agents” to reduce moisture and prevent clumping. Some of these anti-caking compounds are similar to ingredients used in anti-perspirant.
“Because our salt is from an ancient sea bed and Mother Nature pressed the moisture out long ago, our salt is naturally about .6 percent moisture,” he notes. That’s as dry as it needs to be for your kitchen.
“It is straight from the earth. We don’t heat it. We don’t process it. We crush it up and put it in the shaker.”
It is “salt the way salt was meant to be savored,” he adds. And “savor” is a very good word to use to describe Real Salt. Many people are surprised at the taste, and how it magnifies the intensity of every flavor in the pot and on the plate. The naturally occurring minerals, so important to preserving the nutritional benefits, also give Real Salt a sweeter, less bitter taste.
In our view, Real Salt is a sweeter experience in every way. It works in harmony with your body’s chemistry, keeps contaminants out of your food, promotes improved health, and adds a pinch of wonderfully natural flavor to any meal. We’re proud to have nature’s purest salt in our package -- and the great folks at Real Salt on our team.
— Charlie Dodge”



Sea Salts at Macrobiotic distributors:

Gold Mine Natural Food Company 1-800-475-FOOD (1-800-475-3663)

Natural Lifestyle Supplies 1-800-752-2775

deshima- european mailorder (The Netherlands, English/Dutch)  + 31- 20 - 6257513

Lima Food (Belgium, multilingual) +3238847370

Terrasana Wholefoods (The Netherlands, multilingual) +31 (0) 172-50 33 33

Eden Foods, Inc.          (888) 424-3336
